Laurie Barron

J.D., New York University
M.S.W., New York University School of Social Work
B.A., Yale University
Laurie Barron is the Director Feinstein Center for Pro Bono & Experiential Education. She received a B.A. from Yale University, a J.D. from New York University School of Law, and an M.S.W. from New York University School of Social Work.
Her previous work includes representing children at the Juvenile Rights Division of the Legal Aid Society in New York City; working as a public defender and team leader at the Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem; and clinical teaching in an interdisciplinary Prisoners and Families Clinic at Columbia Law School, in a School-Based Legal Services Clinic at Rutgers-Camden School of Law, and in a Juvenile Rights Advocacy Project at Boston College Law School.
Laurie directs the Feinstein Center and the Externship Program and teaches the Public Interest Lawyering seminar.
"Learning How to Learn: Carnegie’s Third Apprenticeship", 18 Clinical Law Review 101 (2011).
"Don’t Do It Alone: A Community-Based, Collaborative Approach to Pro Bono", 23 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, 323 (2010) (co-authored with Suzanne Harrington-Steppen, Elizabeth Tobin Tyler, and Eliza Vorenberg).